We take your privacy very seriously and we ask that you read this privacy notice carefully as it contains important information on who we are, how and why we collect, store, use and share personal data, your rights in relation to your personal data and on how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event you have a complaint.

Italicised words in this privacy notice have the meaning set out in the Glossary of Terms at the end of this document.

Who we are

RMI collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal data about you. When we do so, we are required to comply with data protection regulation and we are responsible as a data controller of that personal data for the purposes of those laws.
When we mention “RMI”, “we”, “us” or “our” we are referring to Readymoney Investments Limited.

Readymoney Investments Limited operates as a Limited Company, whose office is at, 71 Burnmill Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7JG. Readymoney Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA No. 925064

We provide you with Financial Planning, Protection and Mortgage services.

The personal data we collect and use

In the course of providing our service to you, we may collect the following personal data when you provide it to us:

  • Contact information
  • Identity information
  • Financial information
  • Employment status
  • Lifestyle information
  • Health information
  • Data about criminal convictions or offences
  • Details of any vulnerability (If you are providing information about another person we expect you to ensure that they know you are doing so and are content with their information being provided to us. You might find it helpful to show them this privacy notice and if they have any concerns, please contact us in one of the ways described below.)
  • Product details

Information collected from other sources

We also obtain personal data from other sources in the course of providing our intermediary services. Where we obtain this information from another party it is their responsibility to make sure they explain that they will be sharing personal data with us and, where necessary, ask permission before sharing information with us.

  • From lenders and/or product providers:
    • Product details
  • From identification and verification checking agencies:
    • Identity information
    • Sanction check information

How we use your personal data

The below table sets out:

  • How we use your personal data
  • The lawful basis upon which we collect and use your personal data
  • Who we routinely share your personal data with:
Rationale/Reason for Processing Lawful Basis for Processing Third party recipients linked to that activity
·       To provide you with intermediary services Performance of a contract. Bankhall & 360 Services
·       To apply for decisions in principle for mortgage products and/or quotations for protection and/or general insurance products on your behalf.

·       To apply for products on your behalf.

Performance of a contract. Lenders & Product Providers
·       To refer you to third-party advisers to provide you with advice in relation to investments (to include Discretionary Fund Managers), pension contacts and other products of legitimate interest.

·       To make enquiries about existing policies or contracts for the purpose of giving advice.

·       To retain records of any services or advice provided to you by us in order to defend potential legal claims or complaints.

·       To provide you with details of products and services from us and third parties that may be of interest to you in accordance with your preferences.

Performance of a contract.






Legitimate interests.



Product & Service Providers

Discretionary Fund Managers

SIPP and other pension service providers

Research and other companies offering specialist services.




Computerlink Ltd

Special category data

Certain types of personal data are considered more sensitive and so are subject to additional levels of protection under data protection legislation. These are known as ‘special categories of data’ and include data concerning your health, racial or ethnic origin, genetic data and sexual orientation. Data relating to criminal convictions or offences is also subject to additional levels of protection.

We may process:

  • Health information and lifestyle information when providing intermediary services in relation to a protection insurance product; and/or
  • Criminal conviction or offence information when providing intermediary services in relation to a general insurance product

In addition to the lawful basis for processing this information set out in the above table, we will be processing it either (i) for the purpose of advising on, arranging or administering an insurance contract or (ii) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

In the course of our activities relating to the prevention, detection and investigation of financial crime, we may process criminal conviction or offence information. Where we do so, in addition to the lawful basis for processing this information set out in the above table, we will be processing it for the purpose of compliance with regulatory requirements relating to unlawful acts and dishonesty.


We may use personal data we hold about you to help us identify, tailor and provide you with details of products and services from us that may be of interest to you. We will only do so where we have obtained your consent and then have a legitimate business reason to do this and will do so in accordance with any marketing preferences you have provided to us.

In addition, where you provided your consent, we may provide you with details of products and services of third parties where they may be of interest to you.

You can opt out of receiving marketing at any time. If you wish to amend your marketing preferences, please contact us:
By phone: 01858 322101
By email: info@rmi-ifa.co.uk
By Post:  Beech Tree House, 71 Burnmill Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7JG

Whether information has to be provided by you, and if so why

We will tell you if providing some personal data is optional, including if we ask for your consent to process it. In all other cases, you must provide your personal data in order for us to provide you with intermediary services.

How long your personal data will be kept

We will hold your personal data for differing periods of time depending upon the reason we have for processing it. These retention periods are set out:

Type of Record Retention Period
Paper or digital capture of data for the performance of a contract, Legitimate Interest, Compliance with a legal obligation, or Consent etc We will only keep information for as long as it is necessary in order to discharge our statutory and legal obligations. As a general rule, we will retain records for a period of six years following the termination of the contractual relationship between us, unless there are circumstances which mean we must keep records for longer time periods. An example of this is where a record is subject to a statutory retention period (e.g. data regarding a defined benefits pension transfer).

Transfer of your information out of the EEA

We will not transfer your personal data outside of the European Economic Area or to any organisation (or subordinate bodies) governed by public international law or which is set up under any agreement between two or more countries.

Your rights

You have legal rights under data protection regulation in relation to your personal data. These are set out under the below headings:

  • To access personal data
  • To correct/erase personal data
  • To restrict how we use personal data
  • To object to how we use personal data
  • To ask us to transfer personal data to another organisation
  • To object to automated decisions
  • To find out more about how we use personal data

We may ask you for proof of identity when making a request to exercise any of these rights. We do this to ensure we only disclose information or change your details where we know we are dealing with the right individual.

We will not ask for a fee, unless we think your request is unfounded, repetitive or excessive.  Where a fee is necessary, we will inform you before proceeding with your request.

We aim to respond to all valid requests within one month. It may, however, take us longer if the request is particularly complicated or you have made several requests. We will always let you know if we think a response will take longer than one month. To speed up our response, we may ask you to provide more detail about what you want to receive or are concerned about.

We may not always be able to fully address your request, for example, if it would impact the duty of confidentiality we owe to others, or if we are otherwise legally entitled to deal with the request in a different way.

To access personal data

You can ask us to confirm whether or not we have and are using your personal data. You can also ask to get a copy of your personal data from us and for information on how we process it.

To rectify/erase personal data

You can ask that we rectify any information about you which is incorrect. We will be happy to rectify such information, but would need to verify the accuracy of the information first.

You can ask that we erase your personal data if you think we no longer need to use it for the purpose we collected it from you.

You can also ask that we erase your personal data if you have either withdrawn your consent to us using your information (if we originally asked for your consent to use your information), or exercised your right to object to further legitimate use of your information, or where we have used it unlawfully or where we are subject to a legal obligation to erase your personal data.

We may not always be able to comply with your request, for example where we need to keep using your personal data in order to comply with our legal obligation or where we need to use your personal data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

To restrict our use of personal data

You can ask that we restrict our use of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example:

  • Where you think the information is inaccurate and we need to verify it;
  • Where our use of your personal data is not lawful, but you do not want us to erase it;
  • Where the information is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected but we need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
  • Where you have objected to our use of your personal data, but we still need to verify if we have overriding grounds to use it.

We can continue to use your personal data following a request for restriction where we have your consent to use it; or we need to use it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims, or we need to use it to protect the rights of another individual or a company.

To object to the use of personal data

You can object to any use of your personal data which we have justified on the basis of our legitimate interest, if you believe your fundamental rights and freedoms to data protection outweigh our legitimate interest in using the information. If you raise an objection, we may continue to use the personal data if we can demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate interests to use the information.

To request a transfer of personal data

You can ask us to provide your personal data to you in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, or you can ask to have it transferred directly to another data controller (e.g. another company).

You may only exercise this right where we use your personal data in order to perform a contract with you, or where we asked for your consent to use your personal data. This right does not apply to any personal data which we hold or process outside automated means.

We do not use data to make decisions based on automatic decision making.

If we made a decision about you based solely by automated means (i.e. with no human intervention), and the decision made by us produces a legal effect concerning you, or significantly affects you, you may have the right to contest that decision, express your point of view and ask for a human review. These rights do not apply where we are authorised by law to make such decisions and have adopted suitable safeguards in our decision-making processes to protect your rights and freedoms.

You can contact us for more information

If you are not satisfied with the level of information provided in this privacy notice, you can ask us about what personal data we have about you, what we use your information for, who we disclose your information to, whether we transfer it abroad, how we protect it, how long we keep it for, what rights you have, how you can make a complaint, where we got your data from and whether we have carried out any automated decision making using your personal data.

If you would like to exercise any of the above rights, please:

  • Email or write to Bryony Evans (bfm Data Protection Officer) at bryony@rmi-ifa.co.uk or 71 Burnmill Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7JG;
  • Let us have enough information to identify you, e.g. name, address, date of birth;
  • Let us have proof of your identity and address (a copy of your driving licence or passport and a recent utility or credit card bill); and
  • Let us know the information to which your request relates.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal data from being accidentally lost or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal data to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Our supervisory authority

If you are not happy with the way we are handling your information, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office. It has enforcement powers and can investigate compliance with data protection regulation (www.ico.org.uk).

We ask that you please attempt to resolve any issues with us before the ICO.

What our clients say

I was recommended Paul and Bryony as financial advisers by a friend. My husband and I were particularly interested to think about where to invest our savings. They have helped us to think about what level of risk we are prepared to engage with and explained the different possibilities very clearly and thoroughly, enabling us to maximise the potential of our investments. They also provide regular updates. We have been very pleased with their service and have already recommended them to others.

Dr C Oliver


I have been a client of RMI since their foundation. Prior to that, I dealt with the directors for my own personal pension and our business pensions. This relationship as existed for the last 25 years. During this time, I have received first-class support and advice. I have always been kept informed on financial trends and opportunities. To this end I was able to plan retirement early if I wished. More importantly, I was able to choose the right opportunity as when to retire. Since retiring, I continue to receive the highest service and advice on fund management.

Mr. M Moore

Ex General Manager


We have dealt with Paul and his staff for over 20 years and have received a first-class service that is completely to our entire satisfaction. We would have no hesitation in recommending the company to anyone who is seeking financial advice.

Mr J Channing

Ex Non-Executive Director, Earl Shilton Building Society


It’s a great comfort to have Paul Eason and his team on call if I have any queries or concerns about my finances.

Ms M Topham


Paul Eason and Bryony Evans have competently managed our investments for the past twelve years. Their service has been managed diligently; they have provided consistency of advice for positive results. This has given us satisfaction and confidence in their ability to handle our personal affairs. Their research and advice are in-depth, concise and clear. They have demonstrated a thoroughness in all aspects of our personal financial planning.

Mr & Mrs S Price


Following a personal recommendation from a colleague some two years ago, Bryony and Paul provided advice to my wife and myself on planning for my forthcoming retirement. Latterly they have helped another family member on how best to invest a lump sum inheritance. On both occasions, they have guided us through the various options available, indicating the pros and cons in an easily understandable way. They continue to provide regular updates on how the investment is performing. We have always found them to be attentive, knowledgeable and a pleasure to deal with. We would have no hesitation in recommending them to a friend seeking an adviser.

Mr & Mrs P Teasdale


When you are investing, you need confidence to make decisive commitments. Paul Eason and Bryony Evans at RMI are true professionals that you can trust implicitly for commercial and personal advice and transactions.

Mr D Matthews

Chairman, Cellular Mouldings Ltd


RMI not only deal with all our company's employee benefits schemes, but also provide invaluable support for us on a personal level. Nothing is too much trouble and we have found their service to be effective, efficient and friendly. We would recommend RMI to any company or private individual looking for a comprehensive and personal service.

Mr & Mrs I Bates

Ex Directors of The Bright Consultancy Ltd


Paul and Bryony have advised us for over ten years. They bring strong market knowledge and analysis to provide balanced views for investment decision making. This is then backed up by thorough administration - all delivered in a professional and easy-going manner.

Mr & Mrs I Morton

Concept Shape Ltd


RMI Independent Financial Advisers have been assisting our clients with knowledge and insight into the world of pensions and protection for over 10 years. They have helped many of our company and personal clients navigate their options and meet the legislative duties around pensions and auto-enrolment in the most efficient way, whilst giving them the confidence to plan effectively for their future. We have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending their services to not only our clients, but to other professional connections.

Sunflower Accounts Ltd



Paul has been a trusted adviser to our business for over 20 years and he and Bryony continue to support us with our company pension scheme whilst providing first class financial advice. We would highly recommend RMI for anyone seeking a quality financial advisory service.

Mr J Turner

Managing Director, LINAK UK Ltd


I was looking at my potential retirement options and RMI were able to come up with a bespoke pension solution that enabled me to retire earlier than I had expected.

B Kilfeather

Not knowing how to plan for the future, I required advise about pensions and insurance policies and Paul has helped by being constantly available, calm and pragmatic.

Dr R Singh


Paul was recommended to me by one of his clients and I was looking for a financial adviser who could help with a pension scheme for my employees and also for my personal plan.

Paul helped all the members of my team. He had time and patience and everyone individually with their various circumstances. He was also very helpful with my personal pension during the time I have my business. My personal circumstances have now changed and Paul’s advice has been invaluable.

D Harrison

Business Owner